The Ball and Biscuit is almost 1! A little look back at my archive tells me that on Saturday December 1st 2012 I first posted 'Forced Introductions... and The Crookes' and that my first proper line after an initial 'Good days my friends' in German was the unbelievably corny 'I'm a 21 year old history student studying in the greatest city in the world i.e. Sheffield'. I then went on to blab about Sheffield for what seemed like an eternity, mentioned the Arctic Monkeys about a hundred times and finally ended up settling into my groove with The Crookes who I still listen to all the time and am happy to report to anyone who cares are still going strong and currently recording their second album. It's always slightly cringey to look back at past writings but also very strange for me to think that's it's been an entire year since I first set out on this little endeavour, much can change in the space of 365 days.
First mini-report of the day is probably the funniest video of the year linked at the bottom of the page. Everyone's been raving about it so I won't go in to too much detail but Seth Rogen and James Franco have mimicked Kanye West's bizarre and frankly pretty terrible video for his new single 'Bound 2' with Franco playing Kanye and Rogen cast in a dream role as Kim Kardashian. The greatest thing about it is that rather than doing the standard youtube spoof of which there are ten-a-plenty, they've simply imitated West and Kardashian's exact moves during the video to amazing comic effect. It's rare that I show such obvious admiration for two people as much in the public eye as Seth Rogen and James Franco but those two are just too funny for words. What I admire even more about them is their quite obvious lack of celebrity ego (Rogen more than Franco I would say in this case). They've both been around for quite a while now and getting on a bit in years but the personalities emanating from their more recent films communicate to us that they are still simply guys who like to get high all day, have a laugh and have happened to come across the perfect medium for their talents where they can still get high all day and have a laugh. 'Bound 3' as it's now become known can join many a 'top viral videos' of the year list for 2013.
For those unfamiliar with the two artists in question, here's a cheeky little rundown. Flume aka Harley Streten is a Sydney born electronic producer and DJ who hit the world dance stage with his self-titled debut around about a year ago. Flume, the LP, was the crowning glory of debuts, one which immediately popularised Streten in America and showcased his multi-talented ability to span genres while still breaking boundaries with a favoured electro-sound. With guest appearances on his tracks ranging from Aussie rapper T-shirt to the sweet tones of Jezzabel Doran and slightly closer to home the lovely London-born George Maple, it sold well and made him a success and he's been touring and spreading the word on his music ever since.
One other feature artist on that particular LP was none other than fellow Aussie Chet Faker (full name Nicholas Murphy, you can see why he might want to stick with Chet). This particular track was called 'Left Alone' and found the pairing of Chet's sharp vocal tones with the floaty beats pioneered by Flume was a bit of a match made in heaven. The Faker himself had entered the stage with his debut EP Thinking In Textures released that previous March, a demandingly and soulfully underrated piece which included his fantastic cover of Blackstreet's 'No Diggity'. It's a great track but he's no one-trick pony and even though the cover made it to a Super Bowl advert for Becks and left him far more in the mainstream eye, the rest of his music shows variation you wouldn't have initially thought possible.
Both being based in Australia the two have obviously been in cahoots for a while and slyly released their new EP Lockjaw in the UK last Monday. There are only three tracks but each are deserving of a mention in their own right. 'Drop The Game' is a perusing opener, the intro setting a vibrant but crooning mood perfected by Faker on Thinking on Textures but within thirty seconds we've had a drop and aaaaaah man it's good, Flume's productive influence reaping rewards and combining with Faker's soprano 'woo-woo-woos' as the tune reaches climax. Faker bemoans in the lyrics, 'I've been feeling old, I've been feeling co-o-o-o-o-old' and yet judging by this vocal performance there's a certain irony embedded in that line.
Next up is 'What About Us', a track which seems to reverse what happened in 'Drop The Game' with the opening belonging to Flume then sliding effortlessly in a far more Chet-dominated direction as the saxophones and trumpets which have become such a feature of his own music are brought to the front-line, the results being intriguing. Faker did contribute to some of the production as well as the vocals unlike with 'Left Alone' and that contribution is far more noticeable on 'What About Us' than the other two. The EP ends with a healthy bang, 'This Song Is Not About A Girl' is undertoned by a cracking drum beat, coupled with a spacey bass-line and arguably Faker's strongest vocals in quite the while as he traverses between monotone and traditional at the drop of the hat. The final minute is worth waiting for the entire EP just to listen to as Flume drops an epic beat for the second time and Faker almost lets out a scream of orgasmic musical pleasure as the two come together in what they do best (slightly disturbing image I know so take it totally at face value).
It's well well worth a listen and as I said one of the more innovative pieces of music of the past year or so, hopefully an album is on the way.
Here they both are, Flume looking a little bit like he could make it onto the Aussie cast list for their version of the Inbetweeners and Chet Faker with the most epic ginger beard of all time. All hail...
Until next time, Cheers to everyone for reading and all supportive and sometimes constructive comments they've given me about this blog over the past year, every single one has made me all the more chuffed. Below is the sound cloud rip of Lockjaw although it can be gotten for just £2.50 off iTunes if you're that way inclined. I've also popped 'Bound 3' at the top and also included 'Left Alone'. Listen on dear people.